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Personalizovani pribor za jelo i nakit
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Neobično radjeni personalizovani pribor za jelo, minijature, nakit, unikatni mladenci za torte i razni drugi upotrebni predmeti.


Pribor za jelo

Mladenci figure

Minijature ljubimaca

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Recenzije kupaca

Maria Roberts
Maria Roberts
on Jan 22, 2022
Pročitajte više
I bought it as a gift, and she absolutely loved it. Very nice quality and detailed. The shipping did take awhile, but I wasn't too surprised by that since it's coming from Serbia.
Andrea Triplett
Andrea Triplett
on Jan 16, 2022
Pročitajte više
bought my 3rd pair of earrings from here..all three were well made and are some of my favorite earrings to wear. the earrings with the flowers are my favorites and I plan on getting one of each kind sold. great seller too! very pleasant experience.
Biljana Wright
Biljana Wright
on Feb 11, 2020
Pročitajte više
Excellent! The lanyard was even better than expected and the beads beautifully made. An exceptionally high quality product that gets noticed and practical to use. Thank you 😀

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